The Housing Industry Association (HIA) has highlighted growing concerns over delays in the NSW Land and Environment Court, as case numbers have doubled over the past decade.
HIA Executive Director NSW Brad Armitage said the increasing backlog reflects deeper issues within the state’s planning system.
“The doubling of cases in the last 10 years is further evidence that the planning system is slow and complex and in urgent need of reform,” Armitage said.
The industry body has proposed the appointment of an independent Development Application Arbitrator to handle appeals for residential projects including single dwellings and dual occupancies.
Armitage said current approval delays and council requirements are affecting project timelines and viability across the construction sector.
“Changes are needed to make it easier to build new homes now,” he said.
The HIA has suggested expanding the use of complying development processes to address the growing rate of appeals.
The organisation noted that major political parties have indicated willingness to review the planning system, including potential improvements to the appeals process.